I love The Queen's Gambit TV series on Netflix. I started watching it on Sunday, November 1, 2020, and finished it in 3 days,
There's a story behind the dates and the movie as well in my personal life. So this movie means a lot to me.
To be honest. I always wanted to learn how to play the chess game since I was a kid and saw the movie Harry Potter (yes, from that movie). So, now that I was watching this TV series. The Queen's Gambit. It makes me want to learn how to play the game so, I download this app. It teaches you how to play it, and you can also practice in the app I am using is called chess, simple like that.
I need to know the basics until I meet up with a friend to teach me in person.
That's another gift I would love to get for Christmas a game of chess.
I know how to play checkers. I made my dad play checkers with me most of the time when I was a kid in my elementary years, that's another great gift to receive.